Predictive Health Intelligence chosen to represent UK at Arab Health

 We are excited to have been chosen by the Department for Business and Trade to be part of the UK government’s trade mission this key conference in Dubai. 

The Arab Health Exhibition and Congress is the largest event of its kind in the Middle East, providing a platform for the world’s leading manufacturers, wholesalers, and distributors to meet the medical and scientific community from the Middle East and beyond. The show attracts more than 130,000 healthcare professionals from 163 countries all around the globe. 

Our Medical Director and Consultant Gastroenterologist at Somerset NHS Foundation Trust Dr Tim Jobson said: “We are very excited to be taking this innovation to Dubai, as part of the UK team.”

Managing Director Neil Stevens said “This is a great opportunity for us as the focus of the event is the future of healthcare, and how new technology can make a real difference in the years to come.  We know that our system is good for patients and the NHS and we’re looking forward to telling more people about it.”

David Shannon, Director of Strategy and Digital Development at Somerset NHS Foundation Trust, said: “We are very pleased to be partnering with PHI, finding patients at risk of liver disease before they develop symptoms. This conference is a great opportunity to show the innovative work that we’re doing in Somerset and how it can have wider significance.”



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