Fatty Liver Disease, and its more severe form NASH, affects around 1 in 4 people in the West. This silent epidemic often remains undiscovered until it is too late. NASH is now one of the leading causes of cirrhosis, liver cancer, and transplantation and cost the UK between £5.6 and £10.5 billion in 2018 alone.
Diagnosing NASH whilst it’s still treatable remains a challenge, as routine tests, such as Liver Function Tests (LFTs), often only show subtle abnormalities if any at all.
EASL | The Home of Hepatology guidelines recommend patients with insulin resistance, obesity and metabolic syndrome undergo testing for excessive liver fat.
Pharmaceutical treatments are being developed, but until they make it into clinic, lifestyle modification remains the most effective option.
As with most conditions, the best hope lies in early diagnosis, effective treatment and careful monitoring. Without this, millions of people with hidden disease will continue slowly marching towards catastrophe.
At Predictive Health Intelligence, we’re proud to help raise awareness of NASH and to give clinicians and researchers new tools to identify hidden disease before it’s too late.