What is hepatoSIGHT?

hepatoSIGHT™ is a case-finding and cohort mapping tool optimised to identify patients at risk of chronic liver disease.

hepatoSIGHT can review 100s of millions of lines of data within seconds based on patterns of abnormalities and thresholds set by the healthcare team, finding patients who meet specified criteria.

It is an intuitive, easy-to-use system that rapidly risk stratifies the population and identifies individuals who will benefit from intervention. It is also an effective tool for identifying cohorts of patients for potential enrolment in research studies.

This system is secure and has been developed from the outset with the involvement and advice of patients and the public. hepatoSIGHT uses existing data, to allow the frontline healthcare team to interrogate hundreds of thousands of patient records to create manageable cohorts for intervention in seconds.

It is a practical and customisable solution and requires minimal training. It can be used by all members of the healthcare team and can be configured to your locality’s specific needs and desired outcomes.

Our work to date has shown that the system can be used to readily identify patients with indications for treatment including patients with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and metabolic syndrome, progressive alcohol-related liver disease, viral hepatitis, autoimmune disease and hereditary errors of metabolism.

How does it work?

The hepatoSIGHT team takes a simple data extract from the local system, such as laboratory-stored blood tests going back over a number of years, then cleanses and curates the data before uploading it to the search engine portal. These data sets can include demographics, deprivation indices, and other key clinical information such as attendances and missed appointments.

The healthcare team then uses an intuitive interface to search for cohorts of patients on the basis of pre-existing blood tests and other parameters.

Published data shows using this approach can produce a significantly increased power of detection compared to single point in time approaches to identify high-risk liver disease.

The user can save, adapt and re-run searches at any time and set thresholds tailored to their own population health intervention programmes.

Once identified, cohorts of patients can be stored within the system and accessed easily through a simple interface. Patients identified can then be recalled to the appropriate clinic or invited to be part of a clinical trial.

Why would you implement hepatoSIGHT?

Many chronic diseases are diagnosed late and healthcare interventions are delayed. This results in a poor patient experience with increased morbidity and mortality, an increasing burden on acute care services, and overwhelming demand for healthcare resources.

Many patients have few symptoms but potentially informative pre-existing results from tests taken across multiple locations in primary and secondary care over many years. However, there is currently no system or process that ensures these results are viewed comprehensively to identify indicators of high clinical risk.

hepatoSIGHT makes it simple to search for, find, and highlight the clinical red flags.

We are also aware of the challenge of finding appropriate patients or members of the public for clinical trials. This can often be a drawn-out process, delaying important clinical activity. hepatoSIGHT can be used to identify exact cohorts of patients who can then be approached for potential recruiting.

What can be achieved?

Using hepatoSIGHT, you can easily identify patients requiring early intervention to prevent disease progression and future complications. By finding patients early, this approach significantly reduces unnecessary deaths, admissions to hospital, and expensive treatments including transplants.



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